Monday, September 28, 2009

Lesson 4: Chapters 9, 10, & 11


  1. So, as we keep going through this study, I keep reading and I'm thinking, " Beth ever going to say something that doesn't blow me away!" I feel like every chapter is just so full of amazing stuff!

    By far, chapter 11 was my favorite from this lesson though. I really loved this part..."Without a doubt, avoiding prayer is a sure prescription for anxiety, a certain way to avoid peace!!! Only THROUGH prayer are we washed in peace."

    We are always trying to de-stress our lives. Try this, try that...and like she talked about in the book about seeing a lotion at the grocery store that would "minimize stress" HA!! I was just talking with Scott (my hubby) the other night that we (as human beings) make things SO complicated. When God made things SO simple. His Living Word has the most simple and best perscriptions for life on the PLANET!! Yet, somehow, we miss them. How is that? Well, praise God that we are rediscovering some of the simple and perfect things to reduce anxiety, bring peace, and walk in the light God intended!! PRAY. That simple...just pray. Sometimes I don't even think of it as "praying", but talking to God. Just talking.

    Ok...I will write more later. Mom just got here....YIPPEE!! So excited!

  2. I can finish :) I have always loved this verse...“Do not be anxious about anyting, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 And then when Beth "flipped" it and showed us how we can look at everything negative!! It made me laugh outloud!! But, it also really convicted me at the same time.

    Why is it that we do worry about things and not just leave them at the Lord's feet? I guess because it's the "easy" thing to's what he enemy whispers in our ear to's what society say's to do? I was recently talking with a good friend of mine about the fact that as a Christian, most everything we do is NOT the "easy" thing. It's NOT what feels "natural". And it's so true. We are called to do what Jesus did...sacrifice. When I am having a difficult time REALLY trusting God's "way"...I am reminded that the gate is narrow and the road is restricted, and only few find it (Matt7:14). BUT...I don't know about you, but once you make it through that narrow gate, and down that restricted road....MAN O MAN...the blessings are SO ABUNDANT!! Just to know that God is pleased b/c we have CHOOSEN to TRUST AND OBEY....what peace that follows. "Peace is the fruit of an obedient, righteous life"....from the beginning of Ch 11.

    Ch 10 - The fact that God created a need in every person that only HE can fill!! WOW! If someone had tried to tell me this about 10 years ago I would have just laughed. But now, looking back and realizing I was trying to fill this empty "hole" with everything OTHER than makes all the sense in the world!! I can honestly say, that since filling this need with God, I have felt a peace and satisfaction like never before. However, there is a desire to want to keeping filling and filling!! I guess that what Beth was talking about when she said, "Salvation ALONE does not completely fill that need." We need prayer, teaching, fellowship with other believers, studying the Word, and worship. For's like having a taste of something truly just want a little more, and a little more.

    The scripture from Isaiah 44:20...very eye opening. I want to visit this verse often so I can ask God to search my heart for anything I may be trying to "save" on my own....and instead give it to Him to save.

    Ch 9
    Pride often disguises itself. Lord please help reveal pride to us so that you can help us remove it...and move on!

  3. I have had time to catch up while I am healing after surgery:) It truly amazes me how much I have allowed myself to miss out on. I agree with Mel, that Ch. 11 is my favorite as well. I am ashamed to say that I have not devoted myself to prayer more. It makes sense that the devil tries to keep us away from prayer. Prayerlessness by far has been the biggest obstacle in my life. I also need to search the scripture more. I lead the teen Bible quizzing, so I tend to use that as an excuse not to dig deeper. I pray God helps me to humble myself and to devote myself to studying His word and to have a full conversation with Him daily:) In one of her recent chapters, she said on several occassions to bend the knee! Even if your not in a place where you can bend a knee, we can still talk to Jesus and He intercedes to our Father for us! What peace we should have in that!

  4. Pride: This is a tough subject for me and one I'm constantly praying about. I was once told by someone that I was full of pride. Needless to say I was quite offended at the time as I thought it was just confidence. Yes the comment came from someone I was dating who did not have the same life experiences/opportunities/education I had. Every suggestion/dream I had for life was seen as being full of pride. This caused me to really check myself and at the time I really started submitting myself to this person thinking I was being humble. Believe me it didn't feel good and soon after I realized that I was being taken advantage of financially. One day God showed me that this was not the correct thing. It like how come you're willing to submit to a man who cannot hasn't done a quarter of the things I have done for you. It was a huge wake -up call and at that point I made it my focus to rededicate my life to him. I love when Beth writes that humbling yourself doesn't mean hating yourself because I did that for a long time. Beth writes that we should view all pride as a vicious enemy however my question is: is all pride bad? Is it not ok to be proud of your accomplishments, like graduating from college, tour child's first step ... Stuff like that, isn't it key that we recognize who is Lord of our lives and who made those things possible? Please help me on this.

  5. Idolatry: This book is absolutely amazing. Isn't the Father wonderful to put that little sense of dissatisfaction in us? The only problem is we're not very smart. I can't tell how many times I've put other things in front of God. The first being work and money. There have been so many times in years past where I would volunteer for work on a Sunday thinking that the extra money would satisfy the missing thing from my life or when I missed church because the boyfriend didn't want to go. When I think of how blessed and how much grace GOD has shown towards me, I can only say thank you and rejoice in him. HE hates pride and idolatry but yet HE has spared my life and blessed me to the point that all my needs are met. Thank you Thank you Jesus

    I know that God is amazing but ever so often something happens and it’s just more highlighted to me. I thought I got the hang of this. I started reading my chapters early and am still a little behind. I still have Ch 11 to go and based on your posts, I’m even more curious now to read. So, back to what I was saying about our AMAZING GOD. HE will always bring confirmation and clarification to HIS Word. I used my phone as my writing tool and email what I wanted to post on Ch 9 & 10 early in the week but somehow never found got around to posting.

    Today at church I understood why. The message was titled ‘Something is about to Happen’. Part of our text was taken from Gen 22: 1-2, 10-14. It’s the story about GOD’s testing of Abraham, where HE told him to sacrifice Isaac. Our pastor broke it down to us that it wasn’t until Abraham was willing to lay down Isaac (‘his laughter’) on the altar that he (Abraham) would reach a new level in GOD. Our pastor then gave a more personal example of when his wife was sick with cancer that until he lay it all down on the altar to Jesus telling him that he would still love and praise HIM even if she died that it was at that point she was healed. Pastor then encouraged us to lay all our ‘Isaacs’ down and worship the Father. It hit me then….aren’t the Isaacs the same as those idolatrous objects that we have in our lives (the jobs, the money, the husband/wife boyfriend etc) all the stuff we put before HIM. He never takes from us without giving us something better and always always, HE will provide. In Abraham’s case, HE provided a lamb that was slain in Isaac’s place. What was significant about this also was that this happened on Mount Moriah which later was the place where Solomon built temple of worship and which later became Mt. Calvary which was were the lamb, Jesus was slain for our salvation. Pastor Glen’s last words were: ‘the place of our greatest sacrifice will become the place of our greatest worship’

    The whole sermon just brought it home that idols stop the full blessings from God and I don’t want to miss anything. I’m so happy and blessed to be participating in this study because slowly but surely, I’m realizing who is the GOD I serve.

  6. Jo, this is so great! The connection b/w the sermon and ch 10 about idols is so good! Don't you just love how God is knitting things together in our lives with this study, small groups, church, etc.?? He is so amazing!

    As for pride....I agree with you...that being proud of you or a loved one's accomplishments is a good thing!! And like you said, recognizing that God made those accoplishments possible and giving Him the glory is keeping Him Lord in our lives....not the accomplishments.

    Chantel, how are you feeling? Didn't know you were having surgery. Will be praying for you to recover quick!

  7. I have read & reread these chapters!! Once again, I am amazed as to how much info Beth packed into every sentence!

    It is difficult for me to admit that I have issues with pride & that I have idols. But, when I read that God hates pride, that it brings disgrace, that it breeds quarrels, and it points us to destruction, then I must be sure that I can get honest before God & get to work & get rid of any pride rearing its ugly head in my walk with Christ. My desire is to be one whom God would respect or esteem. I have work to do before this will ever be accomplished. Thank you, God for this opportunity to hear these words.

    And then the idols - it is not easy to admit that I put things or people or whatever before God, but I must be honest & say that I do more times that I wish. The verse Isaiah 44:20 really was powerful for me - He feeds on ahses; a deluded heart misleads him; he cannot save himself, or say, "Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?" How easy it is to be deluded by what the world tells us & that what we are grasping onto so very tightly is such a BIG lie!

    I have learned the lesson that peace can come with keeping prayer in my life. I have a good friend who is starting the 10th week with her father in the hospital following a surgery that they thought would keep him hosptialized for only a couple of weeks. Many things have gone very wrong. She has such a peace about all of this because of her prayers & the prayers of many, many others. As Beth said the Spirit of God released through our prayers and the prayers of others turns cowards into conquerors, chaos into calm, cries into comfort. And, wasn't it wonderful to be reminded of all those who have prayed in both the Old & New Testaments. If these folks, and expecially Jesus, were in pray, how much more must I be always in prayer!

  8. Well I wanted you all to know that I am still here and still reading along, but that I am just so overwhelmed by all that Beth has to say, that I am not sure how to put it in words. I am learning a lot and have to reread to make sure I didn't miss anything or that I understood it right the first time.
    My obstacles are defiantly idolatry and prayerlessness. I think I almost underlined all of ch. 10 & 11. I like when she said, "Christians can be miserably dissatisfied if they accept Christ's salvation yet reject the fullness of daily relationship that satisfies." And when we do this we put others/things in His place. How often I do that to get a 'quick fix' of satisfaction, only to still feel empty and unsatisfied when it is over. I need to keep reminding myself that Christ is the truth that sets me free.
    I also liked the part in Ch. 11 where she talks about how satan loves when we do service or read God's word w/o prayer. How often have I done this, just so I can 'check them off my to do list'? So I can think God will tell me, "well done good and faithful servant." How faithful am I if I am not in communication with Him? How am I suppose to know what I am reading or what service I am doing is what He wants if I am not talking with Him? I need to remember that 'prayerless lives are powerless lives, while prayerful lives are powerful lives.' And 'only through prayer are we washed in peace.' It is so nice when we feel the peace of God guarding our hearts and minds.
    Boy do I need to pray. If Jesus had to go off and pray, how much more do I need it? I can't begin to think how much more. So much more, that I should be doing it all the time(1Thes.5:17).
    Well, as you can see from my rambling, I just have so much info going in my brain, I don't quite know how to process it all. But I felt I had to share with you all. Thank you all for what you have shared. It has helped me in processing all this information. God bless.

  9. This week when I read the title of Chapter 10 I thought to myself~~Well I really don’t need to worry with what Beth has to say. I worship the Lord as my GOD and no other!! Well once again Beth has surprised me because she tells me that if I look to other sources for satisfaction then I am guilt of idolatry!! Now~~this was a hard on for me and I had to read this again and again. So-if my technology or a person or thing is replacing where GOD belongs I am committing idolatry. WOW!!

    Chapter 11 talks about prayerlessness—once again I thought—I pray each evening so I really don’t need this Chapter. Boy was I ever wrong, I need to be praying from the heart during the day about things that worry me and things that make me happy. I think that Chapter 11 ties in with Chapter 10 because I need to build that relationship with him thru prayer and it will be easier to look to him instead of elsewhere. These few sentences really spoke to me and I am going to type them just as Beth has written them. The better we know GOD, the more we TRUST him. The more we TRUST him the more we sense his peace when the wintry winds blow against us. I think that the wintry winds have been blowing on me when it comes to my health. I feel as if I need to do some bridge building in my relationship with GOD. Beth tells me that where sin is rampant He is certainly capable of shrinking the presence of the Holy Spirit and leaving virtually no signs of His presence. I feel that I when I really get down on my knee and start conversing with the Lord things will start to make sense to me. Maybe—this is what the Lord was telling me thru my pain—TALK TO ME!!!!!

    Chantel~~I will be lifting you up in prayer.

    Remember**your GREATEST wealth is HEALTH!!!!!

  10. In the beginning of this study, several of us were sharing as to how we were being pulled away as we sat down to work on the lesson. Isn't it amazing how we are now reading & rereading these chapters to learn all we can & to get an understanding of what Beth is saying to us?!!! I am always so anxious to see if there are new postings each day, as it helps me to see what others have received from each lesson.

    Chantel, I, too, did not know you had had surgery. Will be praying that all goes good druing your recovery.

  11. Well, I just have to say that I agree w/ Mom 100%!! Praise God that we are pressing on and reading, and re-reading, and re-reading again!! That does say SO MUCH about how hungry our soul's are to be fed by this amazing book and truths! I too look on the blog everyday to see if anyone has posted a comment. It's amazing how this study has become a part of my everyday!

    I also have to say thank you. Thank you to each of you for your vulnerabilty and honesty. It has really blessed me! Hope you all have a great Monday.

  12. Thanks Ladies for the prayers! God has blessed me and has taken care of me. I had my gall bladder removed, a tubal,hysteroscopy, and uterine ablation:) They said everything looked great, no signs of cancer. My mom and sister had uterine cancer young, so they checked me out why they were inside:) I PRAISE GOD FOR THE GOOD REPORT:)The devil still tries to fight me when I sit down to read! But I just start re-reading and rebuking Satan until I am focused.

  13. These chapters have made me think and rethink.

    In Ch 9 I like how she says by adopting a God-glorifying attitude we can be assured of living a God-glorifying life. I think I am going to write that down where I can see it daily. "Cindy do you have a God-glorifying attitude?"

    Until reading this I had never associated Pride with My will versus God's will. But I think that I am being prideful when I do not listen to God's will. When Beth said "We must overcome the temptation to seek our own glory by desiring His instead" that made me think I must listen more carefully everyday for His will in my life.

    I was amazed by the statement God purposely created us with a need that only He can meet. WOW!

    Then when Beth said Christians can be miserably dissatisfied if they accept Christ's salvation yet reject the fullness of daily realationship that satisfies. OUCH! It does hurt to hear the truth, but if feels so good to be reminded that I need the daily relationship with God. This study is coming at a great time.

    I know that prayer is important, but Ch 11 just reinforces and reminds me how truly powerful it is. I liked the statement Prayerful lives are powerful lives.

    The enemy knows the power of prayer. I should write this down and keep it in front of me daily also.
