Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lesson 2: Benefits and Obstacles. Chapters 3, 4, & 5

"This scares hell to death" Pastor Jim said today during church. Because we all have (and many others who desire to do this study) come against TOO MANY challenges and obstacles, I can tell that the enemy is shaking in his boots : )

We are all on the way to breaking free and uncovering the enemies lies! Hallelujah!! Thank you Lord that we will press on to Jesus Name!


  1. I loved the part where God reminds us why we are chosen to know, believe and understand who he is. I am very humbled that God chose me. I am chosen for a purpose. Life would be nothing without a purpose and people try to figure out their own purpose but unless they are living God's purpose, it is futile. In the back of the book looking at the questions for ch.4 one is What does giving God glory mean to you? I acknowledge and understand that all things come from him and any good in me is not me, it is him. He changed my heart, changed my mind, and made me want to do all things for his glory. I can do menial tasks but remember that if I do them as I am doing them to him, they are my purpose for that moment and God is watching to see how important it is for me to do my best. Another question she asks: How can a person know if his or her life is glorifying God? I believe that I have seen my life and lives of others glorify God when any situation or circumstance is handled as Jesus would or in that your attitude is Christlike and others recognize that it is a holy response to an unholy situation. I trust God completely and sometimes don't handle situations as I would like, strongly, boldly. I cry easily, even though I know that through the storm, God is waiting on me to get through it and see the sunshine again. I know, no matter how long it lasts or how rough it gets, it will pass and I will be blessed through it all. I appreciate God for who is in my life. I have said over and over that I feel such a sweet spirit guiding me and speaking to my soul that I feel like I must be his favorite child. But like any good father, all his children should feel that way. I am looking forward to reading more, and I am looking forward to growing stronger in my trust in God. The questions in the back of the book are wonderful to help you look deep in your heart and soul and answer questions you never knew about yourself. God is so loving. I just want to trust and help others to trust the only one that can take care of our every need.

  2. teresa~~thanks for telling me about the questions in the back of the book!!! i didnt realize that they were there--i do agree that they help me understand and think about what i have been reading!!!again thanks:-)

  3. When I read the verse at the beginning of Chapter 4, Isaiah 43:7 "Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made", I had to stop. I had to read it again, word by word, and really grab what He meant. So powerful.. "Everyone who is called by my name"... that includes me. Not only includes me, but is SPECIFICALLY me. I am HIS child. "Whom I created for my glory" ---What? How much more self-worth do I need than that? He created ME for His glory. I need to remember that. I need to LIVE that. If He had had glory in mind when he created me, then I need to think better of myself. How can I know Him if I don't even think myself worthy? But He thinks I'm worthy, and He is the One that truly knows because He created me. "whom I formed and made". For me, this opened my eyes. I read this over and over. He made me. Formed me, ME for His glory. So simple. Yet even as I type this, I still doubt myself. "I'm not the person now He had in mind when He formed me" Whose fault is that? Not His--he is consistant and unchanging. I think my next step is to lace up my boots and climb over my obstacles, with Him as my guide.

  4. Chelsa....I got chills...more than once...while reading your post. I too have been trying to wrap my mind and my heart around the fact that I was made by Him, to glorify Him.

    Teresa, thanks for mentioning the questions in the back!! I was planning to mention them this time as well. They are a great way of digging deeper!!

  5. These chapters are packed so full of outstanding teachings!!! I think I could read them over & over & continue to find more words that keep jumping out at me that I did not get the last time I read them. For example, on page 31 where she says she believes that being created for God's glory means 2 truths - 1. God wants to make Himself recognizable to us & 2. God wants to make Himself recognizable through us. As she says, we are imperfect creatures & this is a huge responsibility. But, she offer us the key - "We have no hope whatsoever of God's being recognizable in us if the Spirit of Christ does not dwell in us." That sure puts the responsibility on us to be sure we are doing all we can to have his Spirit in us in all we do. Teresa I loved the way you reminded us to do all as if we were doing it for God, no matter how insignificant we might think the job is.

    I love the part in chapter 5 about having a "soul full of Jesus". I am constantly battling with wanting to fill my stomach with foods I do not need. This so spoke to me, especially v.3 from Psalm 63, "My soul will be satisfied as with the richest foods". God is so very able to fill whatever it is that my soul is needing when I THINK it is food!! I am going to claim that verse over & over & over!!

    I really like that she tells us the Hebrew or Greek words & their meanings. I have to read these over several times to really get it, but it sure makes me think hard!!

    I am going to post the 5 benefits God wants us to have & the 5 obstacles that keep us from getting them by the mirror in my bathroom & by my kitchen sink. I want to really memorize these & I am hoping that will help!

    Goodness, I don't think I have scratched the surface in getting a grasp on all that is in these 3 chapters. Am looking forward to reading more of what you ladies will post!

    God Bless!

  6. Mom, I agree...these 3 chapters were SO full of some amazing stuff! I have been taking notes in my laptop as I I won't forget the things that really speak to me...and it's easier when it's time to post my comments. I have to say, it's taken me some time to really reflect on this lesson before sitting down to post my comments. I've had so many things going through my mind and heart. So...please bare with me...this is gonna be a long one.

    Starting with Ch 3 and the reason we are here is to know God, believe what He says, and understand who He is blows my mind. Why? Because I lived the majority of my life not knowing Him, so obviously I couldn't believe Him, and of course I couldn't understand Him! So, I was very discontent with not only my life, but also with God. So, I had little to no trust in Him.

    I grew up going to church, and knew who Jesus was....however, I had no relationship with Him....and obviously there was no Lordship in my life. I was living my life for me and I was doing a horrible job! I was held captive by everything imaginable....abusive relationships, sex, doubt, drugs, fear, alcohol, bad attitude, lying, depression, name it. The enemy really had a hold on my life and my spirit for quite some time. In fact, there were times I didn't think I would live and didn't want too live another day. Talk about being in the pit of hell and completely captive...been there!

    However, since completely surrendering my life to Christ about 5 years ago, He has completely turned my life around!! And now....not only do I know Him, but I also believe everything He says, and I understand Him more and more everyday. I am so in Love with Jesus that I, like Beth, want everyone to know and love Him the way I do...because it will blow your mind!

    WHY? Because He is the most amazing thing I've ever experienced and continue to experience everyday! He has set me free from not only the things I mentioned about, but also from things I didn't know I NEEDED to be set free from!
    1.He has forgiven me...and continues too everyday.
    2.He has given me peace...even at times when the enemy says I "should be" shaken.
    3.He comforts me when I'm in need....of anything!
    4.His Spirit guides me....when I don't know which way to go or what to do.
    5.He has healed me...when my body was sick and my mind was lost.
    6.I could go on and on and on : )

    PERFECT? No...I am human and I continue to sin everyday. HOWEVER, my intention is to love, serve, and glorify God in all that I do...everyday! And even though Christ has set me free from many things that held me captive BEFORE surrendering my life to Him, he is still freeing me today.

    In Ch 4, when Beth is talking about that we are made to glorify God, and that He makes us aware of hindrances so that He can set us free. And when she reminded us that....He never sheds light on our weaknesses or shortcomings for the sake of condemnation (Rom 8:1)....God reminded me that He sent His Son for ME. And that He didn't want to "uncover" all my "stuff" so that I would feel condemned, or so that anyone would look at me with condemnation, but so that He can be glorified in the major work He has done on and in me! Thank you Jesus! And all that I do is not only for Him, but inspired by Him....even this blog! I am literally nothing without Him.

    Ch 5
    Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free John 8:32

    Can you think of anything you've worked hard to attain that ultimately failed to bring the satisfaction you were expecting?


    Yes. I surrendered my life to God right about the time I got married. And I must admit, I was looking "to" my marriage and husband for some of the fulfillment and answers that only God could give. Now, I didn't know I was doing this, but God quickly showed me after about a year of marriage. Not only was this placing a huge burden on my husband(that he could have never fulfilled), but it also meant I wasn't looking to and trusting God....for everything! I loved when Beth said, "We can easily be lead into captivity by seeking other answers to needs only God can meet." I have learned that being sensitive to the Holy Spirit is the best way of not being held captive for long...or at all :) I'm so glad it only took a year to figure this out...I'm sure my husband would agree!

    Have you ever been so amazed by God's presence and/or love, that you just have to jump up and down, fall on your face, cry out, or anything else to show Him? Well, I had to do all of the above after finishing this lesson.

    In closing...from Ch 5 :)
    "Does your hungry soul ever manifest physical symptoms such as irritability, selfish ambition, anger, impure thoughts, resentment and eruptions of lust?" WOW...and I thought it was just low blood sugar (heheheh :) No seriously...if my spirit isn't full with shows on the outside as well. For me, just being honest and apologizing that I am or acted like an idiot, not only to God, but also to the the best thing to do. And making it a priority to spend time in his Word and in prayer everyday.

    Soul satisfaction ensures abundant life on earth. Because God's intention is for us to have life on earth as it is in Heaven. Now, that's much better than a life that is like hell on earth AND an eternity in hell!! Thanks be to God!

  8. WOW!! I feel so BLESSED this week for having had the opportunity to read these 3 fantastic chapters. I find myself reading and going back and reading and then re-reading some of the things that Beth says. One of those statements that I found myself reading and then praying over was in chapter 3~~A Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for him or her. OH MY WORD---is this not the best thing!!! If I do my part to rid myself of the things that hinder me I will have the privilege of knowing him as intimately as I know my husband!!! AWESOME!!!!! However~~I feel as if I am not that close to the LORD!! I have really been praying hard this week to help me start back on the correct path to know HIS love!! I not only think that it will help me with my health and recovery but in every other area of my life--such as--my marriage and relationship with my son. So I am working on my inner emptinessby having a SOUL full of GOD!!!

  9. Thank you ladies for your wonderful posts. They have definitely been inspirational and have left me pondering the greatness of God and how he works in so many wonderful ways. The chapters this week have really left me examining my behavior and thoughts.
    When Beth asked the question in Ch3; what gives you the most problem when it comes to believing in God. I realize that it wasn’t so much that I didn’t believe in him or trust him, but it’s that during the wait for the promises for my life, I get weary and start questioning whether I heard Him correctly or whether He is going to fulfill those promises. It is at those times that I start looking to outside influences (friends, relationships etc) to fulfill those promises. I may even try to complete them myself which is so out of alignment with the Word.
    After reading Ch 4, I really had to check myself. The Word has told me that He created me special, He knows me by name. It even tells me that I was created to glorify Him. Why do I doubt Him? I realize that there is so much I don’t know and understand about Him and that I need to work on getting to know him as intimately as I knew some of my ex-boyfriends. Beth asks how God has made himself known to me. I see so much evidence in my life. I have a story that if it had not been for God, I wouldn’t be here. My older brother passed years ago at the age of 31 and I may not have lived passed the age of 35 unless He had spared my life, which He did. Thank you Lord.
    My pastor here in England is always saying: ‘Life is about choices’. I’m really starting to understand what he means. I think we as Christians sometimes don’t find satisfaction in God because He doesn’t behave in the way we think He should but the Bible tells me that His ways are not my ways and basically I’m not going to understand some things but that all things work for my God. I am choosing today to find satisfaction in the Lord. I know it’s not going to be easy and there are going to be times when I’m going to have to look back to this post as to why I’m making that choice. I’m going to hold fast to His Word where in Ps 37, it says that as long as I commit myself to Him and trust Him, He shall give me the desires of my heart.
    Just like any human relationship, there has to be a commitment to be there to make it work. I am choosing to make my relationship with Him the most satisfying thing in my life and I truly believe that I can have a satisfied soul here on earth and live the abundant life He has created for me.

  10. What hit me in the face while reading and rereading these chapters was my attitude while at work. I have just started back to work part-time as a nurse in OB. My oldest, Nathan, just turned 4 and I haven't really worked since he was born. I worked just shy of two years before Nathan was born. At times I feel like I don't know as much as I think I should. I am new and need some relearning. Many of the ladies I work with have been doing this for years. Their attitudes are not the best, their langauage is horrible and they know who they like and who they don't! I try and find my place... I find myself listening and agreeing as they complain about others, make fun of patients and their family members. These chapters spoke to me and I heard "You have to make a conscious effort to NOT take part in any of these behaviors".
    In Ch. 4 Beth says God wants to make Himself recognizable through us. I will have to work and pray hard to be a good example for some of these women. I am a little intimidated by them. I need their help, but at the same time they don't even know they need my help. I am going to pray the the Holy Spirit fill me as I walk into work. Giving me the confidence and strength to be a good example. Beth mentions in Ch 4. In my service to others, is my sincere hope that they will somehow see God in me? and she references 1 Peter 4: 10-11. This will now be my motto.
    At the end of Ch 5. she says "We can positively assume that our soul is hungry and thirsty for God if we have not partaken of any spiritual food or drink in a long while". That gives me encouragement! My coworkers are thirsty and hungry even if they don't know it. Please pray that I will be bold and that these women will be able to begin to know Christ through me.
    I look forward to continuing this study. I am amazed already with what I have read.

  11. I know I got a late start but that is not why I am late in posting. I have just been so overwhelmed in the reading of this book, I have re- read the first 5 chapters over and over! I love the questions in the back of the book really make you stop and think! It is amazing how much we have cheated ourselves out of God's blessings. We don't cheat Him, we cheat ourselves! Can't wait to move forward!
