Monday, September 21, 2009

Lesson 3: Chapters 6, 7, & 8

I know a few of you are a little behind in the study, so if we need to slow down, please let me know!! Otherwise, we'll keep on goin'.


  1. I had to read these chapters a couple of times to even begin to understand. When she said that I already have God's peace but I need to know how to activate it. Wow. It made me realize how closed I keep myself. I have His peace, but I haven't given him the authority to show me peace in my life. My fault, not his. I have known for a long time that I have control issues, and I have even allowed them to keep God from showing me peace. I struggle with leaving something at God's feet and not trusting that he will take care of them. I don't allow his peace because I keep "checking" on what I have left for him. So I never really let go of it. Kind of like a follow-up prayer, I guess. But in Chapter 6, I see that I need to "learn to recieve". When reading these chapters, I came to an understanding of myself. I trust that God can work miracles in others lives, that He can comfort them in their time of need, and that he hears me when I am praying for others. I trust that He will do for them what needs to be done. I don't trust that for myself. I thought I had let go of the past, but I guess I hadn't. I guess I still have it chained to my ankle, dragging it around with me. I have forgiven those that hurt me and abused and misled me. I did that long ago. I haven't forgiven myself for allowing it to happen. It scares me to even consider it now. I must have held on to it for some reason, I must need it still, to not allow it to repeat in my life now. Pray for me that I can let it go. I want to trust God more and allow His peace.

  2. Chelsa, I, too, have read these chapters several times before I felt like I was ready to post my thoughts. She just packs every sentence with such great thoughts that I just can't get it all in. The very first thoughts of Ch 6 that "his peace should not be an infrequent surprise, but the ongoing rule of our lives" was so powerful. And, that this peace should be "at all times and in every way".
    I do feel God's peace most of the time in my life, but it is so uplifting to be reminded that God wants it for me ALWAYS.

    I like when she gives us the meaning of the Greek words. It so helps me to feel the meaning of the scripture she is quoting.

    In Ch 7, the sentence from page 48 - " We'll probably never learn to enjoy the storms, but we can learn to enjoy God's presence in the storms." I have several friends who are living in the mist of terrific stroms & I am going to share this quote with them.

    I am finding myself waking up & trying to remember the 5 benfits He has for us!!!

    The most powerful part of Ch 8 for me was from page 55 where she says that if we think we have discovered unfaithfulness in God, then she believes 1 of 3 things has happened - 1) we have misinterpreted the promise, 2) we missed the answer, or 3) we gave up before God timed His resonse. I feel sure I have let ALL 3 of these happen to me.

    These 3 chapters were so full of great help & encouragement. I don't think I have begun to take it all in!

  3. It's so great to see/hear that you both are having to read and read again, and read again...I'm having to do the same!! I have sat down to post something, and then start reading (again) and decide to wait!!! This book is amazing!!

  4. God’s peace, what an amazing thing to have. It's just too sad that it's not always consistent in my life. Not by His doing but by my not surrendering all to him. Not giving him the full authority that he should have in my life. His peace is like a river was such a profound statement to me. It means to me that if I stay connected to the Holy Spirit (source), give Him all authority in my life then I'll be able to bear fruit. Fruit, in the sense that I'll have His peace, and the righteousness that is quiet and confident. What an amazing concept!!!
    How amazing is it that He says He will never leave or forsake you, I am always with you. I got teary when I read that. Why is it so hard to remember that during the stormy times? I love when Beth writes, He didn't say it was always easy but that His presence would always be there. It's for us to believe it. I remember the times when I can distinctly His presence, what a comfort it was. I want more of that feeling. The one theme that I see recurring in this book is that so much of our Liberty in Christ is really up to us. It's about the choices we make on whether to believe and trust Him completely. I/We, need to realize that without TOTAL surrender, we will never be free. I'm so ready for the chains to be lifted!!!!!!

  5. Cindy~~~I wanted to say to you that I know what your dealing with at work!!! Well--kinda!!!! I had to stop eating lunch in the lunch-room because there were sooo many educators talking about students!!! I would find myself falling into the same trap that you found yourself in!!!I hated myself when I would be as they were. It was a hard habit to change--because others would act as if they were miffed at me because I stopped the potty mouth lunch conversations. Until I read your comment~~I really never thought of it the way you stated--but I guess I did have something to teach them!!! I just didn't catch that realtionship to my problem--so thanks for the insight!!! I will continue to lift you up in prayer--so that your teaching becomes easier and easier!!! Sounds as if some of the ladies need it!!!

  6. Forgiveness is not for the other person but for your peace of mind~~~how AWESOME!!!! This section of the reading has been so refreshing~~it has inspirired me to study his word each day so that I can attain the peace of mind that Beth discusses. Doing this book study has really helped me to keep my stream moving and growing in his authority and in turn gives me peace!!! It is up to me to make sure that GODS presence is a constant in my life. Beth tells me that I need to share my realm of experiences with him--be it negative or positive. I feel that I sometimes go to him constantly complaining but forget to praise him for the greatness in my life!!! I KNOW I AM A PRINCESS BECAUSE MY FATHER IS THE KING!!!!!!!!

  7. So it seems from everyone who has posted about these chapters, the thing that really sticks out is choosing peace, and giving God the authority. I think it is interesting that we CHOOSE peace. I really believe that life is about choices. In any sittuation, I always say you have two choices...1.You can laugh about it 2.You can cry about it. I havn't always had the best attitude about things, and I still catch myself choosing 2. instead of 1......but then the Holy Spirit reminds me that instead of complaining or having a negative outlook/opinion/attitude, that if I just look up...literally...that I will find peace. When I was reading Ch6, I was reminded of a sermon I heard once by Joyce Myers. She was teaching about putting on the full armor of know...from Ephesians 6:10-18. That in order to stand firm against the devil's schemes, we need to put on God's armor...the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the Spirit, and of course shoes of readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Well, in this message she explained how we have to think of the shoes as shoes of PEACE. And to imagine yourself putting on your you do everyday. Yes, you choose to put your shoes on, but it's more like a given that you are NOT going to leave your house w/out them, right? So, when you put your shoes on, imagine that you are STEPPING INTO PEACE. Because you really do have to STEP INTO is a choice. Just like choosing to let God reign in your life is a choice too.

    I agree that these chapters were very refreshing. I loved the picture Beth's painted about peace being like a river. And how God chose every word of the Bible with exact precision and purpose. That just amazes me!!

    Some ask, "Well, if God is all about this peace stuff, then why do tragic things happen?" Good question!! I can only speake from what God has done for me...and I know that without the pain, storms, and tragedy that has happened in my life, I would not have been able to experience God's peace!! And the reason I experienced it is b/c I called out the the Lord and asked His presence to fill me with His peace...and HE DID!! Not just once, or twice, but too many times to count. Now that I know what it's like to experience that kind of peace when everything on the outside says, "RUN, BE AFRAID, PANIC," I can not do it with out Him!

    I will give you a personal example of how I have experienced God's peace. When I was in the hospital laboring to deliver my second son, Eric, things started to go...well, not as planned. I went into the hospital at 38 weeks pregnant to be induced. Everything was going great! My doctor decided to break my water to speed things up a bit. After she broke the water, she felt something and looked up at me and said, "Oh no...that's not a head." My doctor is a dear friend of mine and we go to church together...she is a believer. So, Eric was breech and there was nothing she could do at that point to "turn" him, since my water was broken. She wanted to let me continue to labor for another hour to see how I progressed and she wanted to go pray.

    During that hour, I was on the phone with my sister Cindy, who as she has shared with us, is a labor and delivery nurse. AND with my Mom....both of whom I love and trust more than any two women on the face of this planet....whom I have turned too and looked too for many things in my life. They were both telling me I needed to have a C-section for the safety of the baby, and myself. All of the nurses were also saying I should have a C-section. However, the Holy Spirit was telling me something different...I knew Eric was going to be born vaginally.

  8. After the hour had passed, I had prayed w/ my husband, and talked to many people about what was going to happen, my doctor came back, checked me and said she thought I could deliver Eric vaginally. That was one of the first times I really remember God teaching me not only to trust in Him, but that His Spirit could give me peace like a river at a time when I "could have" been a mess!! He wanted me to trust Him. And I did.

    The delivery took place in the OR, just in case of an emergency (Eric wouldn't/couldn't come out) and she would have to do a C-section right away. Because we were in the OR, there were about 10 other people in there...standing by for something "bad" to happen. It was very cold, bright, shiny (from all the metal things), and it smelled funny in the OR. I had perfect peace till we got in that room...and everything on the outside started to make me freak out a little. So before my doctor started asking me to push, I asked her if she could pray first...and she did...right there in front of all 10...waiting and watching. The perfect peace fell on my like rain.

    It was time to push. God's Spirit was on me and I only pushed 3 times, and Eric was out...perfect! Screaming and happy to be in the world! Thank you Jesus! Even my doctor was amazed.

    For the remander of my visit, Eric and I became known as the breech baby team. God asked me a huge question that you trust me, or do you trust your Mom and sister? that was a tough one for me!! Now, to my Mom and Sister's's not that they were not trusting God....this was about me...and MY TRUST IN HIM. I love you two!

    My prayer is that someone's life was touched that day when they saw God's hand in Eric's birth.

    Ok..Ch 7...just a brief comment. I find it so amazing that God's presence NEVER leaves us! EVER! We are not aware of it at times, but it NEVER leaves us. So then...there is literally NOTHING we can't do...because He tells us in Phillipians 4:11-14 "...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

    So even if our circumstances DO NOT change...we CAN HAVE peace AND God's presence....AT ALL TIMES!! WOW! Sign me up :)

    You all are amazing!

  9. an amazing testimony Melanie. You are so blessed to have a servant of God a dr. My favorite part of these chapters were also about comparing peace to a river. I love alegories and parables. The greatest stories are told though stories that are not true but give a great picture. I appreciate the comments and testimonies. I haven't commented because as said before I really need to read it all again to get the full impact. It's one amazing thought after another and I am working on spending more time writing thoughts as I read this or any book. The Holy Spirit won't let me just read. I see so deeply into the message in the book. Beth is so in tuned to God's message for us, what a privilege we have. I do believe that peace is a choice. God gives it, we just have to receive it. Those living in constant termoil have not experienced the peace of God and do not know there is a better life. We have to help them to see it.

  10. Melanie is right, I SO WANTED her to have a C-section. In retrospect, I was thinking and speaking as a protective sister and nurse. I told Melanie at the time I was speaking as a sister, nurse and Christian who had prayed about it, but now I know that was not the whole truth. I didn't know that Gwen was praying about the decision so much before making her final decision. So there is a lesson learned for me! I should have taken time to calm down and pray not franticly worry about my sister and Eric. Mom has always told us that worry and fear do not come from God, but from Satan. I have to verbally remind my self of that many times.

    In Ch 6 when Beth said "We sometimes lack peace in far less strenuous circumstances because we are not as desparate or as likely to turn them over to God. I liked that alot. I will have to remind myself daily to let God take control of it ALL.

    And in Ch 7 Beth says it a different way. "Commit yourself entirely to God that He may set you free to be everything He planned. That is exciting and a little scary all at the same time. I remember at some point after John had asked me to marry him I sat down and prayed a VERY SCARY pray. I prayed that if John were not the man God had intended for me I was ready to accept that, but if he were we would live our lives together with God. I remember feeling such a peace that John had been "okayed" by God to be my husband. :)

    The last sentence of Ch 8 "Those who trust in Him will not be put to shame". That gave me some additional confidence with me previous post. I have worked once with one of the ladies that I mentioned earlier. I prayed several times that night while we were working together for her soul and that she would feel convicted by God. I had a much better night!

    Again I am really enjoying this book, even if I am a whole week behind.

  11. Hi everyone,

    I am just now joining in. I have been so blessed and challenged by what I have read so far. First, I am so thankful for a study that I don't have to lead. I can't remember the last time that has happened. As a pastor, I am the one leading. So this has been good for me - just me - to have a study that I can do for my personal growth.
    I have read the five benefits and would love to camp here for awhile and allow them to sink deep within me. Page 50 says, "He is my absolute joy of my life. I don't just love Him. I love loving HIm. Surrendering my heart to Him has not been a sacrifice. I don't know any other way to say it: He works for me."
    It is my desire that through this study that this is my thoughts and feelings as well.
