Monday, October 12, 2009

Lesson 6: Chapters 15, 16, & 17

Lord, I pray that we all press on...and into this study. Please send your Holy Spirit to be with us, so we can continue to break free and live in your presence. In Jesus name...Amen!


  1. I love her practical question on p.96. "What behavior might you see in your life that you disliked in your parents or grandparents?" I rephrased it to read..."What things do I do that make me think...oh, my gosh...I've become my mom/dad/grandmother?!?" We've all had those moments. This morning I'm asking God to show me areas that I've overlooked where his freedom and peace haven't pervaded. Especially in parenting. :-)
    Hope you have a great day, ladies! Challenge ordinary. -Meg

  2. Once again, this lesson was so amazing! This book just keeps revealing more and more great stuff. The thing I like about it the most is that it is not just a book that your read...feel good about (for the moment)...and move on. It is a book that not only has practical advice to really change your you live, how you think, how you pray....but it also has amazing scripture that you can apply!!! Now that's truth.

    In chapter 15, my favorite part was..... “We can safely assume that Satan and his cohorts know more about our family heritage than the most extensive genealogical research could uncover.” “Satan probably tried the same general lure on us that he used on those who came before us in our family lines.” I don't know about you....but I love to uncover Satan's lies!! It exposed him....and because we all have the authority OVER him....he MUST be defeated!! It's not that we don't want to know or understand Satan's lies....but it's just that sometimes we are (for lack of a better word)....dumb to them....or we are in denial....or we are naive. BUT...when we do uncover his lies...we can move forward and allowing God's truth to bust them wide open!

    Yes, maybe Satan does know more about our family heritage, BUT we can, through the help of the Holy Spirit, realize and know even more, so that we can be the link (as Beth says) to changing the next generation. What a deal! As we have all experienced by participating in this study and reading this's not easy. I know it has been difficult for me to look back. It has also, as I shared in the previous lesson, opened up things I didn't even know were there. But I know it is going to not only benefit showing me even more freedom...but more importantly, it's going to benefit my husband, my children, and even my grandchildren. So, I am willing to press on and do the work.

    Another part of ch. 15 that really spoke to me was....“Generational yokes often go undetected b/c they blend in so well with our personalities.” “We excuse some of these yokes as simply being the way we are.” Our pastor also likes to say that we should never say, “Oh, I'm human!” Yeah, you am I. But God made us in His image and He sent His Son to die for OUR freedom. I think I can get over the fact that “I'm human” and “it's just the way I am”. WOW!

    In ch. 16, I love how Beth explained that Exod. 20:5 doesn't mean children bear the “guilt” of their forefather's sins.....but instead we will feel the effects.

    Earlier in the study, I shared some things with you all about my past....and at times, the enemy really tries to remind me of those times in my life to keep me from the freedom God has given me...and if I allowed it, I would be captive again. I really loved the part in ch. 16 that Beth said...
    We can't change the past, however....
    We can change how we look at it
    We can decide how we're going to build on it
    Praise God that He has given me a clear and meaningful vision and purpose! One that I can do just what Beth was talking about...changing how I look at my past, and how I will build on it....looking at it through God's truth and using it as a way to build God's Kingdom by teaching other's about Christ and His love.

    Finally, in ch. 17, Beth said that one of the most treasured gifts we can pass down to the next generation is authenticity. I was enlightened my the question Beth asked...In what ways are you allowing the next generation to see authenticity in your life? That is a question I plan to ask myself on a weekly or even daily basis. So that I don't get too busy with the day, that I'm not forgetting that I need to be “showing” authenticity to my babies at all times, or else they won't see it!

    How encouraging it is that in Exod. 20:6 “God shows love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” 1,000 generations! I'm so encouraged by this! What ammunition against Satan and his lies! What hope we have in the Lord!!

  3. The best chapter for me in this lesson was chapter 17 - "The Ancient of Days". I loved the statement saying that every day the sun rises by God's permission. He has never had a wink of sleep & nothing has been hidden from His sight. So, whatever, I am dealing with, God is already aware of it!!

    I really loved the idea of praying for my children, grandchildren, & even great grandchildren in very specific areas! This made me realize I pray too much in generalities & not specifically enough. She said you can be absolutely certain that God's will is for my generation to give way to godly seed!! She says I can aggressively pray for godly seed to come from my offspring!!! And, Beth is praying specifically that her offspring inherit a burden for world missions & a love for all races. That is so exciting to think about!! She goes on the say that the "Ancient of Days" is anxiously waiting to build a solid foundation that your descendants can live on for years to come if they choose!! This is going to become my prayer - that my children & my grandchildren & maybe even some day my great grandchildren will see in me the love of Christ to such an extent that my foundation will become a strong one that they can also build from. As Beth said, God promises to build blessing on the lives of those who love Him & obey Him. I want to claim the statement where she says, "If you do your part for one generation, He'll do His for a thousand." That sounds like a great challenge to me!

  4. Hi girls!!! I am trying to get caught back up. Hope that everyone is feeling well==and enjoying thing AWESOME FALL weather!!!

    Beth tells me that I am probably beginning to see a well-camouflaged chain that I have inherited--Oh "YES" indeed I am!! Actually~~these last few chapters have been hard for me to read. However--I find peace in knowing that in CHRIST I am not stuck with anything but HIM; praise HIS name!!! This is my prayer each day--that I not pass on the generational yoke to my son/husband/niece/and future generations. I know that satan is a deceiver that will lead my mind astray so I need to really work hard on my relationship with JESUS so that I will accomplish this prayer...

  5. I feel that the two important points from Chapter 16 are ones that will be hard to attain but will make life so much easier to live. If I can change how I look at the past this will be ground-breaking and then I can move on to the 2nd point which is how I will build upon it!! Knowing that the purpose for me to change these 2 areas of thinking is to be in a closer relationship with GOD is ALL the reason I need to work on this chapter in my prayers.

  6. Oh my~~this Chapter has been a tough one for me. It is so WONDERFUL to know that if I live my life to bless his name I will contribute to generations to come!! I am not so sure that I have been living my life in a way that I want to contribute to my son. I seem to have started off on the right foot as my son was younger but as he has gotten older I have fallen short of the authenticity that I should have been giving him. I really need to work on with I want to pass on to my son because that is going to be what he passes on to his children. I am glad that this Chapter was in the book.
